oK... Lets take a little time here... I take Maternity sessions very personal and want you to looked and feel the most beautiful and sexy mom on this planet earth!
Why....? Simple, My dream was and still is to have a big... big... family. So far, I am blessed to be a mom by a miracle of God. For the same, I will care and make sure you'll have the best memories possible before you "POP"
When do I recomend your Matternity Session: 30 - 35 weeks.
Why? You'll have that nice round baby bump without feeling too uncomfortable during your session. As well remember, you may go earlier or after your do date. It is best to be safe than sorry :)
I get it... It is your BIG DAY and you are the BOSS!
You will receive the rights to your digital photos after the wedding!
This allows you to print at any lab and share those images on social media and/or personal use.